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Journal : Journal of Local Government Issues

Learn about Probolinggo Municipal Government Partnership Pattern with Corporate CSR in order to Realize Probolinggo City Environmentally Friendly Qurotal Aini; Wahyudi Winarjo; M. Masduki
Journal of Local Government Issues (LOGOS) Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/logos.Vol1.No1.31-43


The existence of industry in a city has an important role in the survival of society. Industry managers, as well as industrial environment are closely related to the regional government, because it is one of the planning of the city layout of an area. The importance of maintaining good relations has been realized by every company. How they foster good relations with the local government, the community, and the environment around the company. The existence of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) helps the company to establish such good relationships, besides the mutually beneficial relationships between companies and communities, companies with local governments that such things can help mitigate and minimize conflicts that occur. In the drafting of Perda CSR, the DPRD and the government sometimes do not pay attention to the parties who become the object subject to the responsibility of Perda, in this case the company. The government should understand the construction of corporate thinking, because it will be contradictory when on the one hand the region seeks to attract investors to invest their capital, while on the other hand due to too many rules, formal and informal costs, even make investors reluctant to invest. In this research use social control theory, and social action, also institutionalism organizational.In this study using the type of qualitative research with phenomenology approach which of the phenomenon is doing an observation, then use field notes as well as in-depth interviews of informants who are selected based on purposife. The data obtained will be analyzed using qualitative descriptive technique and the data is checked for validity by triangulation.
The Role of Social Capital in Handling the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Systematic Literature Review Wahyudi; Vina Salviana Darvina Soedarwo; David Pradhan
Journal of Local Government Issues (LOGOS) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): March
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22219/logos.v6i1.19690


This study aims to categorize themes and concepts in the study of the role of social capital in handling the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is essential because Covid-19 is still a pandemic, and one way to deal with it is through optimizing social capital. This study is a systematic literature review with the primary data source obtained through the Scopus database. Some of the findings in this study are as follows: First, social capital owned by the community encourages solidarity and cooperation to help each other overcome various problems caused by the pandemic. Second, social capital owned by individuals can be a stronghold in verifying various misinformation that is so rampant amid a pandemic. Third, social capital by parents and families can be a problem-solving in overcoming physical and psychological health problems presented by the COVID-19 pandemic in the closest sphere. Finally, the fourth relates to the role of relevant stakeholders in responding to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, primarily through various regulatory packages and efforts that can be carried out linearly in their fields. This research contributes because it shows the urgency and role of social capital in handling COVID-19. The limitation lies in the article's source, which only comes from the Scopus database, so it does not have comparative data and analysis. Therefore, future studies may include other reputable international journal index sources such as the Web of Science (WoS) so that the analysis is broader, comparative, and comprehensive.